Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter
Water Fountain Water

Almost half of the mine water samples contained "ubiquitous chemicals" PFAS - Why they pose a risk

Almost half of tap water samples contained "ubiquitous chemicals" PFAS - Why they pose a risk
PFAS chemicals are water-resistant, which means they do not break down in the environment and stay in the human body for years. Nearly half of tap water samples in the US contain the toxic "forever chemicals". These are substances used in hundreds of household items, from cleaning products to pizza boxes. As a result, sustained exposure to [...]

PFAS: Half of Americans drink water with "all-purpose chemicals"

PFAS: Half of Americans drink water with "ever-present chemicals".
PFAS pollution exists in America and in Europe. At least that is what the results of measurements in the USA indicate according to a recent press investigation. The water running from almost half of the taps in the USA contains PFAS. These are substances found in a wide range of products. A report for the US government linked the [...]

Unsuitable water in ten areas in Preveza

Unsuitable water in ten areas in Preveza
Drinking water in ten communities of Preveza has been deemed unfit for human consumption, causing great concern among the residents of the municipality. In particular, according to a publication of the local media atpreveza for the unsuitable water in Preveza, the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the University of Ioannina sounded the alarm for public health. The University was invited by the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company (DEYA) of Preveza to [...]

Dangerous water in 27 areas! (Real News)

Dangerous water in 27 areas! (Real News)
Scientists have sounded the alarm about dangerous water in cities and villages in Greece. The reason is the very high or even completely unsuitable levels of nitrates contained in drinking water. By Alexandros Konti An implicit but huge threat to public health in our country is hidden by the high amounts of nitrates contained in [...]

Revealing research: What water we drink in Greece (TA NEA)

Revealing research: What water we drink in Greece (TA NEA)
An important and very useful study on the quality of water we consume in Greece was conducted by the Panhellenic Centre for Ecological Research. "How many of us know what we drink? And how many of us can understand what is written on the label of a bottled water, and whether we have made the best choice of water?"

Dirty water "running" from the taps of Greece (TO VIMA)

Dirty water is "running" from the taps of half of Greece (TO VIMA)
Half of Greece consumes dirty water according to a revealing survey by the newspaper "To Vima". Kilkis / Florina Fertilizers, pesticides, urban and industrial waste water coming from FYROM threaten both Doirani and Prespes. Serres Fertilisers, pesticides, urban and industrial effluents threaten Nestos. Kavala/Xanthi Fertilisers, pesticides, urban and industrial waste water [...]

Water-municipalities all over Greece

Water-demonstration all over Greece
Toxic heavy metals in drinking water, rivers, lakes and groundwater, in concentrations far exceeding the maximum permissible limits set by the EU or at levels potentially dangerous to human health, are detected in many areas of the country. Scientists express fears that water "poison" in Attica, Boeotia, Evia, Ptolemaida, the northern islands of Greece, and in the north of Greece. Aegean Islands, [...]

Invisible threats in our glass

Invisible threats in our glass
Chloride Compounds CHLOROPHORMIUM, bromodichloromethane and chloropicrin are some of the dangerous pollutants contained in the water consumed by more than 4 million Athenians. Asbestos Pipes The EADAP's unprotected network facilitates the release of asbestos into drinking water, through the drilling of pipes for new supplies and the corrosive capacity of the water. We drink chlorine and asbestos [...]

Water - Poison threatens Attica

Water - Poison threatens Attica
Poisoned water threatens Attica and the health of those who consume tap water. This is the result of an investigation, published in the following report by the newspaper "To Vima". The hexavalent chromium that the rivers and water supply networks in East Attica and Boeotia "vomit", staining the water red, is not the [...]

We drink germs and toxic substances

We drink germs and toxic substances
Microbes in our glass and toxic substances in our tap water are detected by analyses. The water we consume and drink is shown to be unsuitable according to numerous studies. Another such useful study is reproduced below from the newspaper 'To Vima'. REPORTAZ MACHITRATSA PANAGIOTABITCHIKA We drink and water with dirty water. A cocktail of toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms poison the glass [...]
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