Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter
Plastic bottles

Reduction of plastic pollution, waste and economic and environmental benefits

Reduction of plastic pollution, waste and economic and environmental benefits
In addition to providing high quality water filters, Camelot® recognizes the importance of social responsibility and its commitment to environmental protection. The company understands that eliminating plastic pollution and conserving natural resources is not only a business strategy, but also a moral obligation to society and future [...]

25 Reasons why bottled water consumption has proven to be problematic

25 Reasons why drinking bottled water has proven to be problematic
The consumption of bottled water has proven to be problematic for a variety of reasons related to health, the environment, and the economy. Below are twenty-five different sources that discuss the reasons why bottled water is problematic: In summary, the 25 reasons why bottled water is problematic cover a range of issues that [...]

More than 24 500 chemicals found in bottled water

More than 24,500 chemicals found in bottled water
The bottled water industry often promotes an image of purity and safety, but recent studies reveal a disturbing reality. Research has shown that bottled water can contain over 24,500 different chemicals. These substances include endocrine disruptors, industrial chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, microplastics and more. Chemical Discovery Chemical [...]

Why Camelot Water Filters are the Ecological Choice

Why Camelot Water Filters are the Ecological Choice
In today's world, protecting the environment and saving resources are important priorities for most people. One of the areas where we can make significant progress is in water consumption and treatment. Water filters are an ecological option with multiple benefits for the environment and human health as long as they are [...]

The importance of filtered water in ocean protection

The importance of filtered water in ocean protection
The oceans cover about 71% of the Earth's surface and are a critical factor in sustaining life on our planet. In addition to hosting most of Earth's biodiversity, the oceans play a key role in regulating climate, absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen. In [...]

The importance of filtered water in the plastics epidemic

The importance of filtered water in the plastics epidemic
In modern times, the plastics epidemic is one of the most worrying environmental challenges. With millions of tonnes of plastic waste ending up in oceans, lakes and rivers every year, the need for sustainable solutions is more urgent than ever. In the midst of this crisis, the use of certified water filters in households and [...]

Bottled water can contain thousands of tiny pieces of plastic

Bottled water can contain thousands of tiny pieces of plastic
On average, one litre of bottled water contained around 240,000 detectable plastic fragments. Bottled water can contain hundreds of thousands of plastic fragments, which have significant effects on human health, according to research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. As the researchers found, on average one litre of bottled water [...]

What are the effects of plastics on humans and the environment?

What are the impacts of plastics on humans and the environment?
Plastics are a major technological innovation of the 20th century, offering flexibility in product manufacturing, durability and low cost. However, the production and use of plastics has multiple environmental impacts. 1. Overproduction of plastic waste. Many of these end up in landfills, in the oceans or [...]

Shocking study: Recycling can release huge amounts of microplastics

Shocking study: Recycling can release huge amounts of microplastics
Recycling has been promoted by the plastics industry as a key solution to the growing problem of plastic waste. But a study has found that recycling itself can release huge amounts of microplastics. According to the Guardian, an international team of scientists took samples of liquid waste from a state-of-the-art recycling plant at an undisclosed location in the UK. They found that [...]

Scientists' warning: "Don't drink water from plastic bottles!"

Scientists' warning: "Don't drink water from plastic bottles!"
Plastic bottles are a danger, and in fact the quality of the water in them. Scientists are sounding the alarm about the avoidance of using plastic bottles especially by pregnant women, since research shows that microplastics, in addition to the placenta, can end up in the organs of the fetus Experts recommend drinking water only from glass or [...]
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