Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
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Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Heavy Metals in Tap Water and their Removal with Camelot Water Filters


Drinking water is an integral part of our daily lives and our health. However, the quality of tap water has problems and often serious ones. One of the main concerns about water quality is the presence of heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic. These heavy metals can have serious health effects, especially when they accumulate in the body. Camelot, a company specializing in providing certified water filters, offers effective solutions to remove these harmful substances from tap water.

Heavy metals: What They Are and How They Affect Our Health

Heavy metals are chemical elements with high atomic mass and density. These elements can be found naturally in the environment, but also as a result of industrial activities and human activities such as mining, industry and agriculture. The most common heavy metals that can be found in tap water are:

  • Lead (Pb): It mainly comes from old plumbing systems and paint. Lead can cause neurological disorders, especially in children.
  • Male (As): Natural element found in high concentrations in certain areas. Arsenic is a known carcinogen.

Long-term exposure to these heavy metals can lead to serious health problems, including cancer, neurological disorders, kidney damage and developmental problems in children.

How Heavy Metals Get into Tap Water

Heavy metals can enter tap water through various pathways:

  1. Corrosion of hydraulic systems: Old pipes and taps can release lead and other heavy metals into the water.
  2. Industrial Waste: Dumping industrial waste into water resources can pollute water with heavy metals.
  3. Agricultural Fertilisers and Pesticides: The use of fertilisers and pesticides can lead to water pollution with cadmium and other heavy metals.
  4. Natural Resources: In some areas, heavy metals may be naturally present in soil and dissolve in water through erosion.

Camelot's Filtering Technology for Heavy Metal Removal

Camelot, with long experience in providing water filtration solutions, has developed advanced technologies that ensure the removal of heavy metals from tap water. Their certified activated pharmaceutical carbon filters and special membranes can remove various heavy metals through the process of adsorption. Activated carbon has the ability to bind heavy metals to its surface, preventing them from passing into drinking water.

Advantages of using Camelot Water Filters

The use of certified water filters Camelot offers multiple advantages, such as:

  • Improved Water Quality: Camelot's certified filters effectively remove heavy metals and other contaminants, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
  • Health and Wellness: By removing heavy metals, the risk of health problems associated with exposure to these elements is reduced.
  • Environmental protection: Using water filters reduces the need for bottled water, helping to reduce plastic waste and protect our health.
  • Economy: Water filters are much cheaper compared to buying bottled water. 100 litres will cost only 0.50 cents as much as you would buy 0.5 litre from the kiosk.

In conclusion, the presence of heavy metals in tap water is a serious health risk. Camelot, with its advanced filtration technologies, provides the most reliable solution to remove these harmful elements from drinking water. Using Camelot's certified water filters not only improves water quality but also protects our health and the environment. By investing in a reliable filtration system like Camelot's certified water filters, we can ensure clean and safe water for ourselves and our families.

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