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Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Arsenic in Water - Health Effects and How to Clean it


Arsenic in Water - Health Effects and How to Clean it

Although water is an important nutrient for humans, it often contains chemicals and substances which are very harmful to health. One of these substances is arsenic, which is extremely dangerous in its inorganic form. The only way to get rid of it is with Camelot water filters, which are specifically designed to remove arsenic from water.

In this article, you will discover the serious effects of this substance on the human body and how you can remove it from the water you consume daily.

What is the male?

Arsenic is a poisonous chemical element, but it is found naturally in the subsoil and in various metals. However, due to its applications in industry, its levels in the water table have increased significantly.

More specifically, arsenic is used to strengthen various copper and lead alloys, which have multiple uses in industry. Also, this chemical and its derivatives are used in the production of pesticides, insecticides, and wood preservatives.

The Symptoms of Arsenic Poisoning

All of the above applications have increased the levels of arsenic in water, which may affect those who consume it. Acute arsenic poisoning has several symptoms, which can lead to death. More specifically, the symptoms of poisoning from this chemical compound are as follows:

  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • jaundice,
  • bloody diarrhea and hematuria;
  • intense thirst and dehydration;
  • metallic taste,
  • kidney failure,
  • respiratory and cardiovascular shock.

For this reason, the Camelot water filters that can remove arsenic from water are essential to protect the body.

What Are the Long-Term Risks?

In addition to the symptoms of acute male poisoning, there are several long-term risks that result from chronic poisoning. Some of the symptoms of such poisoning include the following:

  • thinning of hair,
  • anemia,
  • change in skin color;
  • gastrointestinal problems, and
  • hyperkeratosis on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet;

Still, arsenic is an element that has been linked to the occurrence of lung cancer, as well as to various problems in the neurological, gastrointestinal, and immune systems.

The Permissible Limits for our Country

To protect citizens, the permitted level of arsenic in drinking water has been set. The first time this was introduced through specific legislation was in 1942 in the USA, although the permitted level has changed.

Nowadays, in the countries of the European Union where Greece belongs, the maximum limit of 10mg/L applies.Of course, there are areas in our country where arsenic levels far exceed this limit, so the use of Camelot water filters is imperative.

The Way of Purification from the Water We Consume

Arsenic is a dangerous chemical element that must be removed from water and is present in areas in Greece such as Halkidiki and the Samos. The only way to ensure your health is to install Camelot's specialised water filters and the replacement filter of the Camelot water filter. Imperial Plus which is also special for male, which can filter out any harmful substance as well as arsenic from the water.

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