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Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

More than 24,500 chemicals found in bottled water


The bottled water industry often promotes an image of purity and safety, but recent studies reveal a disturbing reality. Research has shown that bottled water can contain over 24,500 different chemicals. These substances include endocrine disruptors, industrial chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, microplastics and many more.

Discovery of Chemical Substances

A study from the University of Frankfurt revealed the presence of these substances in bottled water brands. The research used various detection methods to isolate the different chemicals, identifying mainly two classes of chemicals: maleate and fumarate, which are known endocrine disruptors (Aquafil) (Clarity Perfect Water).

Effects on Health

Consumption of these chemicals can have serious health effects, especially for young children, women of childbearing age and pregnant women. These chemicals are linked to growth retardation, precocious puberty, premature birth, infertility and early menopause. Exposure to these substances can also cause diabetes, heart disease and some cancers (Aquafil) (Clarity Perfect Water).

Quality and Pollution

The bottled water industry is not obliged to inform consumers about the presence of contaminants, the source of the water or the treatment methods used. This creates a double standard compared to the supply of water from the tap, which is subject to stricter regulations and is obliged to inform the public about the quality of the water (EWG).

Environmental Impacts

In addition to health risks, the bottled water industry has significant environmental impacts. The production of plastic bottles requires a huge amount of oil and energy, and the recycling of these bottles is minimal. The majority of plastic bottles end up in landfills, burned or polluting water resources (EWG).

Suggestions and Solutions

To reduce the risks, consumers are advised to use reusable glass or stainless steel bottles and prefer filtered, certified tap water. The use of certified water filters removes all contaminants and provides clean and safe water. In addition, stricter regulation and transparency is needed from bottled water companies so that consumers are better informed about the quality of the water they buy (Aquafil) (Clarity Perfect Water).


The discovery that bottled water may contain more than 24,500 chemicals is a major bellwether for consumer health and safety. While the bottled water industry continues to promote the image of purity, consumers need to be aware of the potential risks and consider alternatives such as filtered tap water. Increased awareness and regulation can help ensure drinking water quality and protect health and the environment.

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