Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

The differences you will notice with the installation of certified water filters


The quality of the water we consume is critical for our health. In all regions, tap water contains pollutants and chemicals that negatively affect our health. Η installation of certified water filters offers a number of advantages that improve our quality of life. Below we look at the main differences you will notice with the installation of Camelot certified water filters.

1. Best Taste and Smell of Water

One of the first things you will notice is the improved taste and smell of the water. Camelot's certified water filters remove all chemicals such as chlorine, which is used to disinfect water and leaves an unpleasant taste and odor. In addition, certified filters can remove all organic compounds that negatively affect the taste of water. The result is cleaner, cooler water that is pleasant to drink.

2. Removal of Harmful Substances

The certified Imperial water filters Camelot are designed to remove harmful substances that can be found in water, such as heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury), pesticides, industrial chemicals and microorganisms. These substances can cause serious health problems if consumed in large quantities over a long period of time. Installing a water filter removes the risk of these harmful substances entering your body.

3. Improved Skin and Hair Health

The quality of the water we use for bathing can also affect the health of our skin and hair. Water containing chlorine and other chemicals can cause dryness and irritation to the skin, as well as damage to the hair and beyond. By installing water filters that remove these chemicals, you can notice healthier skin and hair without the problems caused by pollutants.

4. Reduction of Cost

Installing a Camelot certified water filter saves you a lot of money. 100 litres of water costs only 0.50 cents. Buying bottled water is expensive and environmentally unfriendly due to plastic waste. By installing a Camelot certified water filter, you have access to clean water without the need to buy and transport bottled water. This reduces costs and environmental impact.

5. Environmental Benefits

The installation of certified water filters also helps to reduce plastic waste by eliminating the need for bottled water. Plastic has a significant impact on the environment, from production to disposal. By reducing the use of plastic bottles, you reduce your environmental footprint and help protect the planet.

6. Convenience and Comfort

Having clean, healthy, filtered water directly from the tap offers you great convenience and comfort. You don't have to worry about buying and transporting bottled water or where to store bottles. You can also use filtered water for cooking and washing food, improving the quality of your meals.

7. Improved Food Safety

Filtered water can improve the safety of the food you prepare at home. Using clean water for washing fruits and vegetables, cooking, and making beverages ensures that your food does not come into contact with harmful contaminants that tap water may contain.

8. Contribution to Hydration

The improved taste of filtered water encourages you to drink more water, helping to keep you properly hydrated. Adequate hydration is important for your health and well-being, affecting everything from your energy and concentration to the health of your skin and kidneys.

9. Personalisation and Options

Depending on each family's needs, you can choose from Camelot's certified filters, either over the counter or under the counter, ensuring the most efficient solution for your family.

Therefore, the installation of Camelot's certified water filters offers multiple benefits that positively affect our daily life and health. From improving the taste and smell of water, removing harmful substances, protecting household appliances, to environmental benefits, using Camelot certified water filters is an investment that pays off. In addition, the ability to choose from a variety of filter types offers flexibility and customization to meet the needs of each household. With the installation of a Camelot Imperial Plus certified water filter, you can enjoy certified clean, safe and healthy water every day.

Camelot Certified Water Filters: their numerous benefits
Contamination of ground and surface water
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