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Hercules and Kostas Athanasiou: 15 Years Specialists Certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) of America


For decades, Hercules and Costas Athanasiou have been dedicated to the science of water quality. As experts certified by WQA, the Water Quality Association, America's largest body, they have gained recognition and appreciation not only in Greece but also worldwide for 15 years. Their commitment to water quality and their continuous effort to be trained and informed about new developments have established the company CAMELOT as one of the pioneers in the field internationally.

They started their journey on water quality with a common belief: that access to clean and safe water is fundamental to the health and well-being of all people. From the beginning, they have sought to apply the most modern methods and technologies to ensure the quality of drinking water. Through continuous water education and over the years, they have gained more knowledge, experience and expertise that has enabled them to understand the needs and challenges of the sector.

Their certification by the WQA is an important recognition of their professional career. This body is recognised worldwide for the rigour and high standards it sets in the field of water quality. The certification proves that Hercules and Costas Athanasiou have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to offer high quality services and meet the requirements of the sector.

Throughout their careers, Hercules and Costas Athanasiou have demonstrated a continuous commitment to innovation, improvement, service and service. They actively participate in courses, seminars, conferences and exhibitions to keep abreast of the latest developments and technological innovations in the field of water quality. Through continuous training and professional development, they ensure that the services they provide remain up-to-date and current.

Their success and recognition by WQA have positively impacted their company and the water quality sector in Greece. Their expertise in the installation and maintenance of water filtration systems has helped many families and businesses enjoy clean and healthy drinking water. Their constant commitment to quality and professionalism have earned them a worldwide reputation as reliable professionals.

In addition, every three years, Heracles and Costas Athanasiou submit their certification for renewal based on specific requirements set by the Water Quality Association. This practice confirms the continuous professional development and updating of the experts, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of technological and scientific developments in the field of water quality.

To qualify for renewal of certification, they must comply with the standards and guidelines set by WQA. This includes continually monitoring new technologies and practices in the field, as well as participating in training programs and seminars provided by the organization. In addition, they must maintain high professional standards and adhere to the codes of conduct applicable to the industry.

The renewal of the certification every three years is a way to ensure that Heracles and Costas Athanasiou maintain their expertise and excellence in the field of water quality. As WQA certified they provide their customers with peace of mind. At the same time, they inspire confidence that they are receiving services from professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to address water quality challenges.

In summary, Messrs Hercules and Costas Athanasiou have shown commitment and dedication to water quality during the 15 years they have been WQA certified experts. Their successful careers and continuous striving for improvement and innovation have placed them as global leaders in the water quality field. With their unwavering commitment to providing clean and healthy drinking water, they continue to serve the needs of the community by promoting wellness and health to every family or professional for their place of business.

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