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Dangerous water in 27 areas! (Real News)


Scientists have sounded the alarm about dangerous water in cities and villages in Greece. The reason is the very high or even completely unsuitable levels of nitrates contained in drinking water.

By Alexandros Kontis

An implicit but huge threat to public health in our country is hidden by the high amounts of nitrates contained in drinking water, making it dangerous. Nitrate pollution comes from the excessive use of fertilizers and is internationally cited as one of the biggest water pollution problems, with a real danger for the human body, especially for pregnant women, infants and young children. The European Commission's most recent report on nitrates, published on 4 May 2018, states that "excess nitrates in drinking water can have health effects, in particular causing methaemoglobulinemia, which prevents the normal transport of oxygen from the blood to the tissues, resulting in cyanosis and, at higher concentrations, suffocation that can prove fatal for infants". Unfortunately, the Greek governments' failure to address the problem. As a result dangerous water is flowing from taps in thousands of homes exceeding safe drinking limits. It should be noted that the EU has officially set a limit of 50 mg/L, but the legislation of a total of 7 member states (France, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Croatia, Spain and Spain) recommends that consumers should avoid even drinking water with nitrates above 10 mg/L. The same level of 10 micrograms of nitrates per litre of water is the official safety limit set in the USA. In view of World Water Day on 22 March, the data on drinking water in a number of regions of Greece are disappointing. According to data from the Union of Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprises (EDEYA), as well as local DEYAs, which are available online, in at least three areas of the country the 50 mg/L limit has been exceeded. In a measurement taken in the Midea area of Nafplio, just on 18/2/2021, the amount found was 137 mg/L, almost three times the permitted limit. In nearby Ermioni, in a measurement in 2019, 65 mg/L was found, while there seems to be a problem in Argos, as in June 2020 in the area of Koutsopodi, nitrates were measured at 88 mg/L. Exceeding the limit of 10 mg/L is found in a total of 24 more areas, which are located literally in all lengths and widths of Greece. In measurements in 2019 and 2020, in cities and settlements, the following nitrate levels have been found:

- Pylia-Hortiatis (Asbestochori) 29,1 mg/L
- Thermi 19.94 mg/L f Patras (city centre) 14 mg/L
- Patras (city centre) 14 mg/L
- Komotini 21,1 mg/L
- Thebes 21,1 mg/L
- Thassos 23,9 mg/L
- Edessa 12,9 mg/L
- Drama 14,4 mg/L
- Almopia (Cemeteries) 18,06 mg/L
- Alexandroupoli 14 mg/L
- Aegio 40,8 mg/L
- Kavala (Philippi) 46 mg/L
- Kilkis (Leventochori) 35,1 mg/L
- Serres 24.1 mg/L (28/1/2020)
- Paros (Kakapetra) 19 mg/L
- Larissa (Giannouli) 14 mg/L
- Chalkida (Agios Nikolaos) 36,5 mg/L
- Agios Nikolaos Crete (Vrysses) 15,9 mg/L
- Heraklion (Kato Fortezza) 28,3 mg/L
- Lamia (Aphanos) 14,6 mg/L
- Platanias (Voukolies) 19,1 mg/L
- Agrinium (Paravola) 12 mg/L
- Trikala 12,6 mg/L
- Giannitsa 11,4 mg/L


"In humans, nitrates are directly absorbed by the body," an EFSA official said in a written response.

 "Carcinogens" Realnews contacted officials from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which has identified nitrates as one of the biggest health risks that can arise through the food chain. "Nitrates enter the food chain as a contaminant of water due to excessive agricultural practices. In humans, nitrates are directly absorbed by the body. They can oxidize natural hemoglobin, reducing the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. They can also contribute to the formation of so-called nitrosamines, some of which are carcinogenic," an EFSA official said in a written response.

The dangers of nitrates in water, however, are also highlighted by some of the most renowned Greek scientists in the field of food safety. "Drinking water should normally not contain any nitrates, which are contaminants of water. Unfortunately, they have an adverse effect and in infants they can create reactions, causing a form of biochemical anaemia," Antonis Zampelas, president of EFET and professor at the Agricultural University of Athens, tells R.

"Great care should be taken especially in infants who drink milk made from infant formula and water," says Dimitris Loutradis, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Athens. "If they are present in water in large quantities, then they can harm the child's thyroid or cause other problems in the lungs," the professor adds.


Revealing research: What water we drink in Greece (TA NEA)
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