Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Why Camelot Water Filters are the Ecological Choice


In today's world, protecting the environment and saving resources are important priorities for most people. One of the areas where we can make significant progress is in water consumption and treatment. Water filters are a major area of progress in water treatment and processing. ecological choice with multiple benefits for the environment and human health as long as they are certified. This article discusses the reasons why certified water filters are the environmentally friendly solution.

Reducing the Use of Plastic Bottles

The use of certified water filters contributes significantly to reducing the consumption of plastic bottles. Every year, billions of plastic water bottles are consumed worldwide, with a large proportion of these ending up in the oceans and landfills. These bottles take hundreds of years to decompose and during this time they release toxic substances into the environment that are very dangerous to humans and animals.

By using certified water filters, we remove the need for bottled water, thus removing the amount of plastic waste we produce. This has a direct positive impact on our health, the health of our oceans and soils by reducing the carbon footprint associated with the production and transport of plastic bottles.

Energy saving

The process of producing and transporting bottled water requires the consumption of large amounts of energy. From the extraction and processing of the raw materials for the production of plastic bottles to their transport to stores, the energy consumed is significant. In addition, the cooling and storage of bottled water also requires energy.

In contrast, certified water filters, especially those installed in domestic water supply systems, such as Camelot's, require no energy to operate. Once installed, the filters require no energy, making them the most cost-effective solution.

Protection of Natural Resources

The use of certified water filters also contributes to the protection of natural resources. The production of bottled water requires the extraction of large quantities of natural resources, including oil for the production of plastics and the bottled water itself. The overconsumption of these resources has serious consequences for the environment and humans.

By using certified water filters, we can reduce the pressure on natural resources and ensure that the water we consume comes from sources that do not run out and cause environmental damage.

Pollution reduction

Certified water filters also help reduce pollution. Certified filters such as Camelot's most reliable filters are designed to remove all chemicals and toxins from water, such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. These substances can harm our health and pollute the environment.

By using certified water filters, we ensure that the water we consume is clean and free of all contaminants. In addition, we reduce the amount of toxic substances released into the environment through the drains, contributing to the overall reduction of pollution.

Improving Public Health

The purity of the water we consume is directly related to our health. Certified water filters remove harmful microorganisms and bacteria that cause major diseases. They also improve the taste and smell of water, making it more pleasant to drink.

Improving water quality has long-term public health benefits. People who consume clean, filtered water do not suffer from health problems related to water contamination. This reduces the need for medical care and medicines, thus helping to reduce the medical footprint.

Economic Performance

In addition to the environmental benefits, Camelot's certified water filters also offer economic advantages. The cost of purchasing and maintaining a certified water filter is much lower than the cost of continually purchasing bottled water. 100 litres will cost only 0.50 cents per 100 litres. In addition, consumers have access to clean water directly from their tap, saving effort, time and money.

Contribution to the Circular Economy

The use of Camelot's certified water filters encourages the circular economy, a model that aims to minimize waste and reuse resources. They are made from recyclable materials and can be easily replaced without creating waste.

Promoting awareness

The use of Camelot water filters also promotes awareness of the value of clean water and the need to protect water resources. When consumers choose to use certified water filters, they become more conscious of the quality of the water they consume and the environmental impact of bottled water consumption.

This awareness can lead to behavioural changes and encourage more people to choose green solutions for their daily lives, such as reducing plastic consumption and choosing recyclable materials.


Camelot certified water filters such as the Imperial offer multiple benefits that make them the first ecological choice for water consumption. Reduce the use of plastic bottles, save energy, protect natural resources, reduce pollution, improve public health, provide economic benefits, support the circular economy and promote awareness of the value of clean water.

By choosing Camelot's certified water filters, we can help create a more sustainable and healthy environment for ourselves and future generations. It is a simple yet effective act that results in protecting our health as well as long-term positive results for our planet.

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