Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Water filters: The best choice for disposable plastics


Water filters: The best choice for disposable plastics

Of course, by choosing N.S.F. certified water filters for your home and your daily water consumption needs, you ensure the protection of the environment and your good health. Single-use plastics are one of the leading causes of pollution of our oceans and natural wealth. While microplastics and nanoplastics are found in water and transported into our bodies with all the consequences for our health.

Reduction of single-use plastics

Choosing certified water filters is good for your health by consuming clean, healthy and filtered water and for the planet. Striving for a more environmentally aware approach is our basic obligation to nature for all of us. Our choices must be sustainable and eco friendly.

Water filters reduce your annual consumption of plastic bottles to a minimum. You no longer need to buy water to drink water bottled bottles as you have access to crystal clear water. In this way you save a lot of money, which is very important especially for the current season.

Adopting environmentally sensitive habits

It is our basic obligation to acquire a more conscious attitude and habits towards the environment that provides us with so many goods. We cannot remain indifferent to the climate crisis that has been making its presence felt for many years. We can all contribute and at the same time improve our quality of life.

We take care of the animals that very often are confronted with plastics which deprive them of life. Certified and tested water filters are the beginning and the basis to say a big no to the plastic bottles which accumulate by billions in the environment every year. Studies show that many animals even in the most remote areas of the world, where there is no human life, are dying because of the plastics. So it's time to change our habits.

Consciousness for a better future

By choosing certified water filters we know that we have taken a very important step towards a more peaceful consciousness. It may be something simple, but it is certainly something great that will teach your children the importance of water as a commodity for life.

In addition, if you are one of those who always want to have water with you and don't want to buy plastic bottles, you can buy stainless steel bottles with a built-in water filter. So wherever you are, you can fill your bottle and enjoy clean, healthy filtered water with confidence, without polluting the environment with yet another plastic bottle you don't know and the quality of its content.

Taking care of our health and the health of our children

The installation of NSF-certified Camelot water filters in our home is an option with a positive impact on our health. These purify the water from any contaminant that can cause disturbances to our health and the health of our children. But beyond that, it also significantly reduces the plastics that accumulate in the water, oceans, rivers and animals.

Pollution of our seas is one of the main threats to nature, so we are called upon to protect it in safe alternative ways. Only in this way can we ensure a healthy lifestyle and a better quality of life for ourselves and our children.


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