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Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Camelot Headquarters Greece


The completion of Camelot's main building at 146 Sygrou Avenue in Kallithea Athens represents a milestone after three years of intensive work. The new building, with its 4600 square meters and state-of-the-art facilities, marks Camelot's progress and commitment to providing high quality services to its members and clients in Greece and Cyprus.

After several years of planning, the total renovation of the new building was a busy and multi-dimensional process. From the initial design through to the final renovation, Camelot devoted significant resources and energy to ensure that the new building met the highest standards of quality and safety.

The building's facilities are designed with comfort and functionality in mind and are numerous and multi-dimensional, meeting the needs of a modern water quality business. From modern offices to conference rooms and recreational areas, every detail has been carefully designed to provide a pleasant and productive working environment for Camelot employees. In addition, the building features specialized laboratories for research and development in the field of water quality, reinforcing Camelot innovation and continuous improvement of its products and services in cooperation with the parent company.

The building also has multiple meeting and lecture spaces, allowing for the organisation of educational seminars, conferences and other events, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry professionals and the wider community. Spacious and bright spaces offer a pleasant and productive working environment, while green technologies and outdoor recreational areas contribute to the well-being of employees and visitors.

The building's technological infrastructure also includes advanced security and access systems, ensuring the protection of information, human resources and physical assets. Digital solutions for facilities management allow efficient and flexible use of space, while applications for remote working and video conferencing adapt the building to the new working practices imposed by pandemic COVID-19.

In addition to functionality and technology, the Camelot building on Syngrou Avenue also incorporates sustainable development elements. One of the main features of the building is its sustainability and environmental footprint. From the use of eco-friendly materials in construction to energy-saving systems, Camelot shows its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and protecting the environment. By incorporating green technologies, such as energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting systems, the building meets the goals of reducing its carbon footprint and improving energy efficiency. This approach not only reduces the building's operating costs but also underlines Camelot's commitment to protecting the environment and promoting a more sustainable future operation.

Beyond the facilities and technological solutions, Camelot's building on Syngrou Avenue represents a vision for the future of the company and the water quality sector. It aims to integrate excellence in every function, from research and development to production, distribution and customer service. Through this approach, Camelot seeks to become a leader in the implementation of sustainable solutions and technologies, strengthening its global leadership in water quality.

The investment in this building also reflects Camelot's commitment to the Greek economy and its belief in the country's future as a centre of innovation and entrepreneurship. The building will act as a catalyst for further growth in the region, attracting business, talent and investment, and helping to create new jobs.

To sum up, the completion of Camelot's headquarters building on Syngrou Avenue is an important investment in the future, both for the company, for our partners and for society as a whole. It reflects Camelot's commitment to innovation, sustainability and exceptional quality, while at the same time it contributes to strengthening Greece's image and competitiveness on the international stage. Through the creation of this centre of excellence, Camelot seeks not only to develop itself and offer high quality services to its customers, but also to empower the community and promote public health through access to clean and safe water.

Its strategic location, innovative architecture, spacious and functional spaces, as well as high standards of sustainability and technology, make the building an example to follow in the field of business facilities. It is a symbol of what is possible to achieve when business vision meets commitment to social responsibility and environmental awareness. This building is not just a new landmark on the skyline of Athens, but a living centre of progress and excellence that symbolises the effort to improve the quality of life through sustainable water management. It is a centre of innovation, collaboration and evolution. It is the place where ideas are born, meetings take place and strategies are formed. Above all, it is a benchmark for Camelot and its commitment to offering high quality services and maintaining standards of excellence in customer service.

Overall, the completion of Camelot's headquarters building at 146 Sygrou Avenue in Kallithea, Athens, is an important milestone for the company. With the combined effort, commitment and expertise of its staff, Camelot has created a building that meets the needs of the present and lays the foundation for the future while opening up new avenues for growth, innovation and community service.

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