Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

Reduction of plastic pollution, waste and economic and environmental benefits


Η Camelot®, in addition to providing high quality water filters, recognizes the importance of social responsibility and its commitment to environmental protection. The company understands that eliminating plastic pollution and conserving natural resources is not only a business strategy, but also a moral obligation to society and future generations.

With the promotion of water filters, the Camelot® actively contributes to the creation of a sustainable and responsible consumption model, encouraging consumers to adopt practices that protect the environment. Through its actions and products, the Camelot® raises awareness of environmental issues and promotes the behavioural change needed to tackle the plastic pollution crisis.

This approach is embodied in the philosophy of Camelot®, which is committed to providing solutions that benefit both customers and the planet. By adopting these practices, the Camelot® not only improves the quality of life of its consumers but also promotes the wider well-being of society and the environment.

The use of water filters of the Camelot® by millions of customers has had a significant positive impact on the environment, removing the need to buy bottled water and the subsequent pollution from plastic bottles. The removal of plastic use is critical at a time when plastic pollution has reached alarming levels, destroying ecosystems and threatening the health of both animals and humans.

Elimination of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century. Every year, around 300 million tonnes of plastic are produced, with much of it ending up in the seas and oceans. Plastic bottles are among the most common plastic waste, and reducing their use has a direct and substantial impact on the environmental burden.

Η Camelot®, with its water filters, provides a sustainable alternative. Customers using its water filters Camelot® instead of bottled water contribute significantly to reducing the demand for plastic bottles. It is estimated that the use of water filters can reduce the use of plastic bottles by millions of pieces per year, thus reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Using water filters is not only an environmentally friendly choice, but also a cost-effective solution. The cost of bottled water is much higher compared to the cost of filtering tap water, which means that customers save significant amounts of money.

In addition, reducing the production and transport of bottled water reduces energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The production of plastic bottles requires large amounts of energy and natural resources, while their transport contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The switch from bottled water to the use of water filters in the Camelot® removes this environmental burden.

Reduction of Waste

Reducing the use of plastic bottles also helps to reduce waste. Plastic bottles are often under-recycled and end up in landfills, where they take hundreds of years to break down. Even when they are recycled, the recycling process requires energy and resources, and often plastic materials are not recycled into new products of the same quality.

The use of water filters of the Camelot® eliminates the need to continuously purchase and dispose of plastic bottles, thus reducing the volume of waste produced. With fewer plastic bottles ending up in landfills and oceans, the burden on waste management systems and overall environmental damage is also reduced.

Awareness raising and education

In addition to the direct environmental benefits, the use of water filters of the Camelot® contribute to raising public awareness of environmental issues. When consumers make the conscious choice to switch from bottled water to filtered water, they are encouraged to think more about their consumption habits and their impact on the environment.

Η Camelot® can also play a role in educating the public about the importance of reducing plastic waste and protecting the environment. Through information campaigns and awareness programmes, the company can enhance consumer understanding and involvement in environmental issues.


The use of water filters of the Camelot® by millions of customers has already begun to make a difference in the effort to eliminate plastic pollution and overall environmental impact. By reducing the need for bottled water and subsequently reducing the production and disposal of plastic bottles, we are making a significant contribution to protecting our ecosystems and the health of our planet.

This sustainable water consumption model not only offers economic benefits to consumers but also opportunities for awareness raising and education on the importance of environmental responsibility. With continued efforts and support, we can hope for a future with much less plastic waste and a cleaner and healthier environment for all.

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