Tap Water Filter Imperial Plus 5th generation Upper bench
From 89.00€
Imperial Plus 5th generation tap water filter

How can certified water filters save money?


Certified water filters offer many benefits beyond providing clean, healthy water for drinking, cooking or beverages and washing food. One of the ways they can save a lot of money is through the elimination of buying water bottles. Let's look at how water filters work and how they help save money.

  1. Exemption of the purchase of water bottles: Water from the tap is often not palatable and suitable for drinking because of its chlorine, metals and other contaminants. This leads many people to buy water bottles. Certified water filters remove these chemical contaminants and make tap water perfectly clean, safe and palatable so you no longer need to buy water bottles daily, saving money in the long run.
  2. Reducing energy costs: Camelot's certified water filters are used to remove all contaminants through the 850 grams of high quality and heavy weight activated pharmaceutical carbon contained in its internal filters. By using certified water filters, you can save on spending on bottled water of dubious quality.
  3. Reduction of maintenance costs: The maintenance of water filters is very economical compared to replacing machines that supply water bottles. Just change the filters once a year and keep the system in good condition. This will save you a lot of money compared to constantly replacing water bottles, as well as maintaining various machines.
  4. Reduction of waste: The purchase of plastic water bottles contributes to the challenge of environmental problems. Plastic waste is a growing burden and threat to the environment, and its production requires a lot of energy and resources. By using water filters, you can contribute to reducing plastic waste and help protect the environment and your health.
  5. Long-term savings: The initial investment to purchase and install a certified water filter system is a significant health investment in the long run. With continued use, you save a lot of money that you would have spent on water bottles and other alternatives, while being confident and safe about the water you drink.

In summary, the certified water filters Camelot can save money in a number of ways, including spending on water bottles, saving energy, reducing maintenance costs, addressing the problem of plastic waste and long-term savings. These savings are not only financially beneficial but also help protect the environment and improve the quality of the water we consume but most of all we protect our own and our family's health.

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