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Microplastics in Water: What They Are and How to Remove Them with Camelot Certified Water Filters


Microplastics have emerged as one of the most worrying environmental issues of our time. These are tiny pieces of plastic, usually less than five millimetres, which enter the environment through various sources and eventually end up in the water we drink. Their presence in water has caused concern among scientists and the general public alike, as it has serious implications for our health. In this article, we will look at what microplastics are, how they enter the aquatic environment, and how they can be removed using Camelot's certified water filters.

What are the Microplastics;

Microplastics are plastic particles that are less than five millimetres in diameter. They can come from various sources, such as:

  • Primary microplastics: These are tiny plastic particles manufactured to this size for specific applications, such as the microspheres found in cosmetics and personal care products.
  • Secondary microplastics: These result from the breakdown of larger plastic objects such as bottles, bags, fishing nets, etc. due to exposure to environmental factors such as solar radiation and waves.

How do Microplastics Enter the Aquatic Environment?

Microplastics enter the aquatic environment through various pathways:

  • Waste: Plastic waste that is disposed of uncontrolled can end up in rivers and seas.
  • Water runoff: Water from rainfall can carry microplastics from streets and cities into water bodies.
  • Cleaning products: Many products contain microplastics that end up in the water through drains.
  • Clothing and synthetic fibres: When washing clothes made of synthetic fibres, tiny pieces of plastic can break off and get into the water.

Impact on Health and the Environment

The presence of microplastics in water has raised concerns about the health of people and ecosystems. Their effects include:

  • Toxic chemicals: The microplastics can absorb toxic chemicals from the environment, which can enter the human body through water consumption.
  • Endocrine disorders: Some microplastics contain chemicals that can disrupt the endocrine system, affecting health and growth.
  • Environmental impact: Microplastics can affect aquatic life, as marine animals can ingest them, causing physical damage or toxic effects.

How Can You Remove Microplastics with Camelot Certified Water Filters?

Camelot offers a range of certified water filters that can remove microplastics, ensuring that the water you drink is clean and safe.

Camelot's certified water filters are not only effective in removing microplastics, but also offer other important advantages:

  • Certification: Camelot filters have been certified by international organizations such as the N.S.F. ensuring their reliability and effectiveness.
  • Easy installation: The filters are designed for easy installation and maintenance, making them ideal for home use.
  • Economy: Camelot's certified water filters are cost-effective, offering a long-term solution for clean water without the need to buy bottled water of dubious quality.
  • Protection of the environment: By using certified water filters, you help reduce plastic waste, protecting the environment from further pollution.


Microplastics in water are a serious problem that requires immediate attention. The Impact Their impact on health and the environment is significant, and the need for clean, safe water is more urgent than ever. Camelot's certified water filters offer the reliable solution to remove microplastics and other impurities, ensuring your health and protecting the environment. By choosing Camelot certified water filters, you are investing in clean and healthy water for you and your family.

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